Chris Farley | Dark Side of Comedy

I have been told for years, even when Chris Farley was alive that I looked and acted like him. I was fortunate to be given the opportunity to be Chris Farley for a TV series called the Dark Side of comedy coming out in 2022. DARK SIDE OF COMEDY CHRIS FARLEY INTERVIEW WITH MIKE RICHARDS […]
iPod touch is Dead ... but I got famous

I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but the iPod touch is dead. Long live the iPod! I guess I’ve always been slightly famous, as I host a weekly radio show on 900 CHML called Tech Talk. I’ve been doing the radio show for the past six years and, as much as I have a YouTube […]
AM 640 - Twitter & Elon Musk

I had the opportunity to speak with Kelly Cutrara on AM 640 today (April 14) in respect to Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter. I think there’s a lot of misunderstanding pertaining to what is actually happening at Twitter and his interest in buying the company. I explained that Twitter is a publicly traded company, so […]
Success Follows Failure - Podcast

Success follows failure… I, Adam Oldfield, am an entrepreneur who’s had the fortunate opportunity to speak with Trish Tonaj from We had a fun discussion on some of my insights over the years as an entrepreneur. I’m excited to share my story and inspire others through the power of storytelling. I hope that by […]
Ontario Incorporations NEED to do this!

Every Ontario business must file an annual return with the Ontario Business Registry. This is done online, and must be completed by the date specified on the website. Fines and penalties will apply if the return is not filed on time. The Ontario Business Registry website provides step-by-step instructions Ontario corporations are required to file […]
Share Your Stories | Adam Oldfield

It’s always an honour when I get asked to speak about my experience in the business. As much as I speak of the things I was able to accomplish there is much I also failed at. In fact, I probably have failed in more times in my career than I have succeeded. Of course, […]
19 years and counting....FPM3

It’s hard to believe 19 years ago I made the decision to open up an advertising agency in Hamilton Ontario. At the time I called it fingerprint marketing and Design. The concept was an agency that would be unique as you. I tagged line I registered and incorporated as part of our advertising. The office […]

ONTARIO SMALL BUSINESS HAVE SUFFERED Ontario small business have suffered. Almost to the point where many are not going to be able to continue if they have not already closed. It is rumoured that we are heading into a fourth wave with covid-19 which means very likely businesses will be forced to close once again […]

I’ve operated a small business for over 20 years and worked with many small businesses through 2 recessions, and now Covid 19. This is not good times for those that were forced to close in Ontario for 4 months. Many small businesses are still trying to sort out how to reopen and further how to […]
Time to Google My Business in Ontario

Time to Google my business in Ontario Ontario June 11, 2021 the rules are changing and seem to alter almost by the minute. But if we go with the basis of what we know businesses will start to open their doors once again in ontario. It has been an absolute struggle for many operations and […]