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Adam Oldfield Ward 4 Hamilton Candidate

Ward 4 Hamilton Candidate

Adam Oldfield has been an East Hamilton resident for many years. He has been an active member of the community, volunteering his time with various organizations and initiatives. Adam has also been a vocal advocate for the residents of downtown, speaking out on issues that matter to them. Now, Adam has decided to step into city politics, and is running as Ward 4 Hamilton candidate in the upcoming election on October 24, 2022. Adam believes that it is important for the residents of Ward 4 Hamilton to have a voice at City Hall, and he is committed to fighting for the issues that matter to them. Adam Oldfield is the Ward 4 Hamilton candidate that Ward 4 Hamilton residents can trust to fight for their interests.
Ward 4 Hamilton Candidate for October 24, 2022 election


Adam Oldfield was born in Hamilton and raised in the city. Adam worked at 900 CHML in Hamilton for over six years and started his career at the radio station at the age of 20 assisting with weather and traffic collection. Adam is committed to wanting to see a better city develop. Adam believes that the best way to see change is to be apart of the change. Adam Oldfield is part of several boards and charities in Hamilton that help contribute to a better city. Adam is also a public speaker and often speaks about addressing social issues in Hamilton. Adam’s passion for Hamilton drives him to continue to make contributions to the city through his work.


Adam has been the voice of the Hamilton Tiger Cats football team for many years, from 1997 to 2003. You could’ve heard his voice resonating through Ivor Wynne Stadium during every home game. He was also the voice of many other teams and organizations, including the Toronto Blue Jays and the Hamilton Raiders. Adam is a true Hamiltonian icon and his voice is known and loved by millions of fans across the City.


Adam has been a Director of Communications for the Rotary Club of Hamilton since 2012, helping the club to raise thousands of dollars for inner-city children. Adam is no stranger to the community, and he has been a valuable asset to the club. In addition to his communications expertise, Adam has also helped to raise funds for the club’s important work. Thanks to Adam’s efforts, the Rotary Club of Hamilton has been able to make a difference in the lives of countless Hamilton children.


Adam has always had a knack for making people laugh. So when he was approached about playing the role of Chris Farley in the upcoming TV series Dark Side of Comedy, he jumped at the chance. Adam will be portraying Farley during his time at Saturday Night Live and leading up to his untimely death. The series is set to premiere in Fall 2022 and will give viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the dark side of comedy. Adam is confident that he can do the role justice and is excited to bring Farley’s story to life. After all, making people laugh is what he does best.