Tech Talk

Episode #184 - Apple Corp hits 3 Trillion mark, Blackberry h...

Tech Talk
March 3, 2022

TODAY on 900 CHML TechTalk 11:30am, Adam Oldfield joins Bill Kelly as we talk Tech. Apple is a 3 Trillion dollar corp, Blackberry finally is offline, Amazon isn’t the online ecommerce leader any longer and more! Sponsored by Vacu-Man Furnace and Duct Cleaning #talkshow #radio #live #onair #business #marketing Tech Talk #talkshow #radio #live #onair […]

Episode #183 - The Metaverse, UV Sanitation, and is this th...

Tech Talk
December 17, 2021

Adam Oldfield joins Bill Kelly as we talk Tech. The Metaverse in your back-to-work life, 2022 the last year for passowrds (says Adam), UV Sanitation and more! Sponsored by Vacu-Man Furnace and Duct Cleaning #talkshow #radio #live #onair #business #marketing Tech Talk #talkshow #radio #live #onair #business #marketing Tech Talk

Episode #182 - Space Satellites, Suicide Pods, Keeping drink...

Tech Talk
December 10, 2021

Adam Oldfield joins Bill Kelly as we talk Tech. Throwing satellites into space, Suicide pods now legal in Switzerland, ice cubes that don’t melt, your face and voice for $200k in robotic android and hack of the week and more! Sponsored by Vacu-Man Furnace and Duct Cleaning #talkshow #radio #live #onair #business #marketing Tech Talk […]

Episode #181 - Digital Real Estate -sales 2.5m

Tech Talk
November 26, 2021

Adam Oldfield joins Bill Kelly as we talk Tech. Apple isn’t as protective as it says, The moon has oxygen, Metaverse real estate and hack of the week GoDaddy and more! Sponsored by Vacu-Man Furnace and Duct Cleaning #talkshow #radio #live #onair #business #marketing Tech Talk

Episode #180 - Your smartphone is a bomb

Tech Talk
November 22, 2021

Your smartphone is a bomb! TODAY on 900 CHML TechTalk 11:30am, Adam Oldfield joins Bill Kelly as we talk Tech. New is old.. Sodium batteries, top reasons your phone will explode and Apple now selling replacement parts and more! Sponsored by Vacu-Man Furnace and Duct Cleaning #talkshow #radio #live #onair #business #marketing Tech Talk

Episode #179 - Killer Farm Robots!

Tech Talk
November 12, 2021

TODAY on 900 CHML TechTalk 11:30am, Adam Oldfield joins Bill Kelly as we talk Tech. Samsung vs Apple, Viral videos to watch and killer robots and more! Sponsored by Vacu-Man Furnace and Duct Cleaning #talkshow #radio #live #onair #business #marketing Tech Talk   Samsung vs. Apple – A slap across the face with a $25 polishing […]

Episode #178 Hertz now rents Tesla

Tech Talk
November 5, 2021

TODAY on 900 CHML TechTalk 11:30am, Adam Oldfield joins Bill Kelly as we talk Tech. Netflix streaming games, Alexa new features Hertz now renting Tesla and more! Sponsored by Vacu-Man Furnace and Duct Cleaning #talkshow #radio #live #onair #business #marketing Tech Talk

EPISODE #177 Solar RV, Facebook is now Meta and Google remov...

Tech Talk
October 29, 2021

Adam Oldfield joins Bill Kelly as we Tech Tech. RV that work off of Solar, Google removes photos of 18 and under, Facebook is now called Meta and more! Sponsored by Vacu-Man Furnace and Duct Cleaning #talkshow #radio #live #onair #business #marketing Tech Talk  –

Episode #176 - Donald Trump's new social media, Apple laptop...

Tech Talk
October 25, 2021

Adam Oldfield joins Bill Kelly as we talk Tech. Donald Trump new social media, Apple laptops bring old tech back get a FREE smart thermostat and more! Sponsored by Vacu-Man Furnace and Duct Cleaning #talkshow #radio #live #onair #business #marketing

Episode #175 - New electric boat, Samsung folding phones has...

Tech Talk
October 15, 2021

Adam Oldfield joins Bill Kelly as we talk Tech. New electric boat, Samsung folding phones has an issue, Biometric 3D printing and more! Sponsored by Vacu-Man Furnace and Duct Cleaning #talkshow #radio #live #onair #business #marketing